Source: Deed of the Sale of lands on the North side of the River Thames or La Tranche in Upper Canada from the Chippewa Nation to Alexander McKee – LAC, RG10, vol. 1840, IT 021, p. 1.
WHEREAS we the principal Chiefs, Warriors, and People of the Cheppewa Nation of Indians being desirous for a certain consideration hereinafter mentioned of selling and disposing of a certain parcel or tract of land situated and lying on the north side of the River Thames or River La Tranche and known in the Indian name by Escunnisepe unto His Britannic Majesty King George the Third our great Father.
NOW KNOW YE, that we the said principal Chiefs, Warriors and People of the Chippewa Nation for and in consideration of the sum of twelve hundred pounds Quebec currency value in goods estimated according to the Montreal price now delivered to us, the receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge, have give, granted, sold, disposed of and confirmed, and by these presents do give, grant, sell, dispose of and confirm forever unto Alexander McKee, Esquire, Deputy Superintendent General and Deputy Inspector General of Indians and of their affairs on behalf of His said Britannic Majesty King George the Third His heirs and successors, all that parcel or tract of land situated and lying on the north side of the River Thames as aforesaid, beginning at a certain station on the north bank of the said river about nineteen miles above the Delaware Village
thence down the said River Thames following the several winding and courses with the stream to the place of beginning. To have and to hold the said parcel or tract of land together with all the woods and waters thereon situate lying, and being unto the said Alexander McKee, Esquire, for and on behalf of His said Britannic Majesty King George the Third His heirs and successors for ever free and clean of and from all claims, rights, privileges, or emoluments which we the said Chiefs, Warriors and People of the said Chippawa Nation might have before the execution of these presents, and free and clear of any pretended claim which our children or descendants may hereafter make the same, hereby renouncing and forever absolving ourselves, our children, descendents and posterity of all title to the said parcel or tract of land, the soil, wood, and waters thereof, in favour of the said Alexander McKee, Esquire, for and on behalf of His said Britannic Majesty, His heirs and successors for ever.
Source: Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Treaty Texts – Upper Canada Land Surrenders, London Township Treaty No. 6,

Source: Deed of the Sale of lands on the North side of the River Thames or La Tranche in Upper Canada from the Chippewa Nation to Alexander McKee – LAC, RG10, vol. 1840, IT 021, p. 2.