We the underwritten Chiefs & others of the St. Johns Cape Sables & other Tribes of Indians Inhabiting within this His Majesties Province of Nova Scotia or Acadie Having had the said Articles of the within Written Instrument being a True Copy of what was signed in our behalf By Sanguaarum alias Loron Arexus Francois Xavier & Maganumbe our Delegates at the Treaty of Peace Concluded at Boston distinctly Read over faithfully Interpreted & by us well Understood Do hereby for ourselves & in behalf of our Respective Tribes Consent to Rafify & Confirm all the Within mentioned Articles & that the Same shall be binding to Have Signed Sealed and Delivered these Presents to the Honourable Lieut. Governor on the presence of Several Officers belonging to His Majesties Troop and other Gentlemen Underwritten _____________________________
Done at the Fort of Annapolis Royal on Nova Scotia this thirtieth day of May of the first Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second By the Grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith & etc.
Anneg: Domini 1728
In the presence of | St. Johns River Indians | |
Chris Aldridge
Hen. Daniel ? Nugeant Otho Hamilton Richard Bull Jn Handfield Robert ? Chris Aldrige ? Patts Saml Cottnam J. Mascarene ? Bissell L. Armstrong |
Ignance Chiefs
Michaelak Pierre Paul Thomas Augustine Gregoire Captain Moses Guilleame Barnabq Francois de Salle fils de Nepovouite Francois Michael Francois Germain Annapolis Royal Sept. 24, 1728 Signum Charles Maniduphik Chief Sachern of the whole Tribe of St. Johns Indians Jacques nous Roufieve Gregoria Ketaudarkesse Nepam Ocide his mark |
Francois de Salle
Joseph Chief Bernard Joseph Salle Matsa Tagamish Paul Denis Gipsies Francois Joseph Oyster Joseph St. Aube Francois Emmanuel |